Oct 16 2019 64 mins 44
It Came in the Night, Part IV [Dicey Waters]
In the wake of a horrifying massacre, Locke, Edmund and Maeve make for the seclusion of Saltspire Peak. When they are faced by the foe they hunted on behalf of Stonelord Ricard, the three are forced to come to terms with what they have done and decide what they will do next. Can they become the heroes of this place, or were they better off in prison all along?
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Dungeon Master -- Ryan Mossbarger, @ryan_mossb, @rnmossbarger
Locke -- Patrick Brehm, @Pureriffery, @PattyIceOfficial
Maeve -- Matt Canavan
Edmund Blackwood -- Josh Palumbo
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Created by Colin Ketchen, Josh Palumbo and Ryan Mossbarger
Editing by Matt Canavan
Original Music and Sound Design by Colin Ketchen