Jul 31 2024 28 mins 4
I review the history of the relationship of technology and human consciousness and explore the implications of the division of the brain into a right and left hemisphere. AI is not only going to take over most jobs in the economy, it will take over our consciousness and we are surrendering it willingly. At root, having been convinced of the idea we have no soul and that we are simply code, we are wide open for takeover by forces, many malevolent, we might otherwise be able to withstand. And if I am asked what is the soul I reply:
The essence of this precious life
The seed upon the flower,
The scent within a perfume
The light that is a star;
The freedom of the wild west wind
The mist on mountain side,
The thought before you think it
She knows you from inside.
The sweetness of the desert breeze
You can’t hold in your hand,
She’s like the waters of the Nile
She comes from other lands.