Oct 17 2022 36 mins
[Re-uploaded October 24, 2022]: In this episode, I go a little bit beyond what I discussed in the last entry. Last time, I used Hayden White's literary framework to try and categorize an old Russian history textbook. Today I critique White's framework a bit further. I also talk more broadly about two types of historical works - historical research and historical fiction. I argue that, contrary to White's position, historians are different from novelists. I also give some cautions that must be considered when crafting or reading historical fiction.
I re-uploaded this episode because in my first upload, I made a mistake at about 26:00-27:00. I had mentioned a film that I believed was making an anachronism, but I later found out it wasn't. Hence, I decided to change that part and put the episode up again to correct my mistake.
And apologies for another mistake at about timestamp 16:14, where I called a history book "A History of Europe Under Roman Rule." It should have been "A History of Egypt Under Roman Rule."