Mar 07 2025 65 mins
The greatest "test" of Daniel's life was "The Lions' Den Test" - but perhaps the greater miracle of that true account was not his preservation from the lions, but his perseverance in prayer! Knowing the consequence he would face (lion food) if he persisted in his daily routine of praying to El Elyon, the Most High God, yet he flung open his window, faced East toward Jerusalem, got on his knees, and prayed knowing his jealous enemies could see him. How's that for a non-compromising, stedfast, courageous faith?
In a very real sense, Israel's destiny (as with America today) was decided in the prayer rooms of Daniel and the other faithful Jews in Babylon. Human responsibility mysteriously works together with God's Sovereign will. The great spiritual battle for Daniel took place and was won on his knees before an open window - not in the lions' den! Daniel was willing to yield his body in the den, but, before an open window, he yielded his will (much like Christ in Gethsemane).
Remember: God sometimes chooses to keep us safe in the lions' den, but not safe from the lions' den! We, today, could substitute the words "Corona Virus" for "lions' den". It brings the Lord more glory when He saves us in our troubles than when He saves us from our troubles!