Nov 19 2024 70 mins
*My guest, LaShaundra Barnes shares her story of finding God amidst her deep personal struggles of abuse and suffering.
*LaShaundra discusses her abusive relationship, which began after reconnecting with a high school acquaintance, highlighting the barriers that kept her in the relationship, including love, loyalty, and legal issues concerning her children.
*She speaks about the fear of the unknown and anxiety that hindered her ability to leave the abusive relationship sooner.
*LaShaundra emphasizes the importance of having a supportive community and the role of her church in helping her through the healing process.
*She shares her experiences with her children's mental and emotional health, revealing the impact of witnessing domestic abuse and the challenges of raising neurodivergent children.
*Our discussion touches on the need for individualized parenting, considering each child's unique needs and triggers.
*LaShaundra highlights the power of scriptures and worship music in providing comfort and encouragement during difficult times.
*She talks about the importance of forgiveness in the healing journey and how it has helped her find peace and co-parent with her children's father.
*LaShaundra encourages others to share their stories, emphasizing that our experiences can transform lives and bring people closer to God.
*She stresses that for those in abusive situations there is a need for therapy and counseling to thrive after abuse.
*LaShaundra provides hotline numbers that have 24/7 access:
In emergency and life of death situations: Call 911 or the emergency number in your area.
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233
The Center for Family Safety and Healing: Text the word start, S-T-A-R-T, to 88788.
The Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, simply dial the number 988.
Podcast Intro:
When I met LaShaundra my first impression was her vibrancy. The joy in her eyes, (which as believers we know that is the presence of the Holy Spirit), the tone of her voice and her presence. These things combined, I heard and saw joy and it became more pronounced as she began to share what she has been through, is going through. Life has not been easy and yet she describes herself as blessed.
LaShaundra’s testimony is one of the reasons why I do this podcast. When everything familiar in our life gets turned upside down, people want to know where is God? Does God make a difference? Does He care and if so, what does His kindness look like? How does He make a difference?
LaShaundra is a single mom with 3 young children and she has endured countless levels of abuse some of which are mental, emotional, physical, financial, etc. And yet, she shares a message of God’s goodness despite the cruelty of this life and the proof (of God’s goodness) is displayed in her, through her, day to day.
I’m not saying her life is all sunshine, rainbows and smiles because she admits it’s difficult. Single moms know that singleness is a challenge all it’s own. Moms with special needs children know the complications on a daily basis. Abused women are familiar with the struggle to find healing and wholeness again. Women who know they need to leave abusive situations are faced with overwhelming fears of what if and that is enough to keep them in the abuse.
When faced with the possibility of a new life, rebuilding ourselves and rebuilding our lives, how do we trust, who do we trust? I even think about, if we can’t even trust the people we can see, hear and touch, how do we learn to trust God? Will God still love us even if we find ourselves in situations that are of our own doing or does He just look at us and say, you made that bed now sleep in it.
If you’re living any of these situations or questioning God about His goodness you will find great encouragement in LaShaundra’s message of how God cares for us at every turn in our journey. She has learned that having spiritual disciplines that keep her grounded in Christ is the first line of defense against overwhelm, anxiety and fear. She reads the word of God and she relies on God to be who He says he is and do what He says He’ll do. He has never failed her and even her learning curves of discovering God’s heart have brought her new levels of intimacy and greater/deeper joy.
Be encouraged today as you listen to LaShaundra’s example of who the God of the Holy Bible is in the context of pain and suffering. God speaks the most beautiful things in the dark.
Live Loved and Thrive!
Other Related Podcast Episodes:
Breaking Cycles of Abuse and Trauma:
From Survive to Thrive, Overcoming Sexual Abuse:
Heal From Childhood Abuse:
Christian Marriage, Abuse and Boundaries:
Connect with LaShaundra:
LaShaundra Barnes is a Podcast Host and Producer who uses her passions, gifts and creativity to glorify God. She is an entrepreneur, a domestic violence survivor and is currently a single mother raising neurodiverse children. Her life experiences both good and bad have shaped and molded her into the woman she is today. She's determined to tell her story showing how good God is and the wonderful acts and miracles He's done in her life. By sharing her story she desires to help others believe, to find purpose in their pain and peace in the midst of life’s storms.
Here are some 24/7 Confidential Services:
In emergency and life of death situations: Call 911 or the emergency number in your area.
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233
The Center for Family Safety and Healing: Text the word start, S-T-A-R-T, to 88788.
The Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, simply dial the number 988.