Kālī Sahasranāma (talk 53): "She who is the Dark Night" etc. by Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati

Jun 15 2024 101 mins   3

Discourse by Pujya (Revered) Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati, on names 298 through 309 of the "Thousand Names of Kali", given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 15 June 2024, followed by arati and kirtan.

कर्त्री हर्त्री पालयित्री शर्वरी तामसी दया |

तमिस्रा तामसी स्थाणुः स्थिरा धीरा तपस्विनी || ३८ ||

kartrī hartrī pālayitrī śarvarī tāmasī dayā |

tamisrā tāmasī sthāṇuḥ sthirā dhīrā tapasvinī || 38 ||

298. कर्त्री kartrī

299. हर्त्री hartrī

300. पालयित्री pālayitrī

301. शर्वरी śarvarī

302. तामसी tāmasī

303. दया dayā

304. तमिस्रा tamisrā

305. तामसी tāmasī

306. स्थाणुः sthāṇuḥ

307. स्थिरा sthirā

308. धीरा dhīrā

309. तपस्विनी tapasvinī




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