Feb 25 2025 18 mins
Recently the Lord gave Andy Taylor a prophecy, not only for Trinity Fellowship, but for the whole kingdom. It came the first week of November, right after the election. The Lord told him that this is a time of unparalleled favor, but not a time to relax. This is a time to take advantage of the favor of the Lord, and the test for us as Kingdom people is to keep the focus and redeem the time. If it is in your heart, do it!
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The only way for things to really change is for us in this nation and for the kingdom is, as kingdom people, to walk out 2 Chronicles 7:14; to humble ourselves, pray, and seek His face and turn from our wicked ways.
We have to be wise as kingdom people to recognized that we are in a time where people are calling good evil and evil good, and that we are experiencing a battle between light and dark.
The favor that Andy is talking about is based on our cooperation with God in what He’s trying to do, and what He wants to accomplish.
When you hear something from Him, you may just think that’s the Lord, and then you add your faith to that. But sometimes, it’s so clear that you just know. If you lean into that, keep your heart open and give that some time to let it marinate, the Lord will keep adding to that a lot of times.
If we can turn to God and let Him do what He wants to do, He’s going to turn this nation around.
The smartest thing someone can do is to just open the doors of your heart and say, “Lord, have at it”. If we’ll keep on listening and pursuing the truth, He’s going to fix our hearts.
2 Chronicles 7:14
Isaiah 5:20
Revelation 3:20
It’s not a time to relax in your seeking after the Father. God is giving us a time of favor, to take advantage in this season to grow, mature and become more like the Lord. This takes our cooperation with Him, and a drive to allow Him to work His perfect will in our lives.