The Etiquette and Style Episode

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Aug 26 2024 78 mins   6

Does shooting etiquette, clothing and tradition matter?

Giles Catchpole is a fieldsports journalist and humourist whose work has graced the pages of numerous magazines over the years. His Shooting Types books - collaborations with renowned sporting cartoonist Bryn Parry - are found in downstairs loos in the right sort of houses up and down the land, owing to his His unique combination of sharp-eyed observation and a witty style. Writing as 'Uncle Giles' in Shooting Gazette, he was a guide on matters sartorial and ethical for many a shooting man and woman for years.

All of this makes Giles the ideal chap to join Chris and George for a chat about some of the finer points that the conventions, codes and customs of the shooting world throw up, and answer the question that will ring down the ages: why does any of it matter?'