Feb 15 2025 206 mins 1
This week on Sol Nox Podcast Shea Bilé makes his return for another free form conversation about various topics around Satanism, the Left Hand Path and the Occult world as well as a teaser for his upcoming course which will be available on Miskatonic. It's always a pleasure having Shea on, and he will be back next month for an episode dedicated to his new course.
Shea's links:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/sheabile
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/sheabile
Podcast: https://www.deferredgnosis.com
YouTube: https://youtube.com/sheabile
Music: https://sheabile.bandcamp.com
YouTube Music Channel: https://youtube.com/sheabilemusic
Music this episode:
Ritual Howls - Spirit Murder
Anagnorisis - Forever Night
Also I have set up a tip jar with Buy Me A Coffee if anyone wants to help support the podcast and if you do I will read any comments you send with it on the podcast!
Hail Satan!
Ho Drakon Ho Megas!
Tip jar: