Jan 02 2024 23 mins
The activity of agility is not only fun, it can be amazingly beneficial for dog and handler alike!
In this episode, we discuss the benefits of playing agility, why you should consider it and how trialing and competing are indeed fun, but why we should also strive to incorporate elements of the activity of agility into all our dog training programs.
Speaker: Dianna L. Santos
What to learn more? Perhaps you are getting started in agility or are already training and competing but looking for some help? Check out these online agility training resources, with even more coming soon!
- Agility Adventures Webinar with Vicky Lovejoy
- Breaking It Down: Small Sequences for Success Webinar with Vicky Lovejoy
- Small Space, No Problem: Ways to Practice at Home Webinar
- What Did Ya Say? Understanding Handler Cues Webinar
- Sport Puppy 101 Course
- Focused Competent Canine Competitor Course
Read the full transcript here.
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