Dec 08 2022 70 mins 9
Roofball continues, Vickers' sister Lizzie accuses Miraz of consorting with criminals, Morosim is dealt with, and Zajjidan has a heart-to-heart with Abbas on the subject of change.
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Desperate Attune is hosted by Soumithri (tree) and edited by Zoheb (Klow) and Prince.
Featuring Emma and Aadiyat (Soap)
Intro music is 'Jalandhar' by Kevin Macleod
Outro music is 'Alapana in Kiravani Ragam' by U. Srinivas
Cover art by Fahim Anzoom Rumman (botagainsthumanity)
Blades in the Dark by John Harper and Evil Hat Productions
Iruvian playbooks by Johnstone Metzger