Mar 28 2021 38 mins 5
Amrit Nijjar is Inclusion & Belonging Manager at Tarmac.
In this tenth episode of the Candid Comms podcast, she talks candidly with Rachel Miller.
This conversation is packed with practical ideas and inspirational advice, to help internal communicators thrive in their role.
It covers:
- What is belonging and inclusion?
- Why Amrit moved into this work from IC
- The importance of communities inside organisations
- The role of leaders when thinking about belonging and inclusion
- How internal communication can help diversity and inclusion ambitions
- Amrit's advice for internal communicators.
Do let me know what you think of this episode and don't forget to rate, review and follow, so other Comms pros can benefit too.
Useful links:
Amrit's LinkedIn profile.
Show notes for episode ten.
All show notes:
Rachel's All Things IC website, featuring 1500 free blog posts.
All Things IC Online Masterclasses, where you can enrol in training.
Find Rachel on Twitter @AllThingsIC, Instagram @rachelallthingsic or LinkedIn.
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