Parental Strategies and Autism Support with Dr. Cravens - Episode 148

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May 09 2024 21 mins  

Today we get to hear from an expert in the field of Autism.

Dr. Cravens has a PhD with an autism focus. Her training has allowed her to help with those all across the spectrum. Today, she has a therapy practice where she, and other neurodivergent therapists, help people no matter what they're struggling with.

Through the years she has found that one thing stands out: increased compassion and empathy for others makes the world a whole lot better.

Tune in and hear her take, what she knows about the #autism spectrum, and find out why it's so hard for people to get a diagnosis these days.

Pick up her recently released book, Positive Parenting Strategies Workbook and you can follow her on her social media and websites:


