Feb 20 2025 102 mins 12
This is a sutta class. It is an in depth discussion of the Karaniyametta sutta (Chant on loving-kindness). Discuss why just mindfulness isn't enough for enlightenment and explains the uniqueness of Buddhist way of practicing loving-kindness. Explains how the 7 enlightenment factors are developed as you practice metta meditation. Discuss many ways how you can become skilled in doing metta meditation. Explains the first quality sakko or being skilled. This is the first session of a series on the same sutta. Teaching given by Ayya Karunika on the 11 August 2024.
Bhikkhuni Ayya Kārunikā is currently the senior resident monastic at Santi Forest Monastery, NSW, Australia and the spiritual director for New Zealand Bhikkhuni Sangha Trust, Hamilton. She has been in monastic life for over 14 years and she received her full ordination as a bhikkhunī in 2014 at Dhammasara Nuns monastery in Western Australia where she lived and trained for over a decade with Ajahn Hāsapaññā. She has been a student of Ajahn Brahm and Ajahn Brahmali for over 2 decades.
Ayya Kārunikā is able to articulate the Buddhist teachings in a way that is practical and comprehensible to people of all ages and has experience in conducting retreats for both adults and youth. While she has a PhD in Microbiology and worked as a scientist, she has also been the building project manager for the construction of the Dhammasara Nuns Monastery main building complex and has worked with many volunteers over the years. Ayya Kārunikā was born in Sri Lanka but has been living and working in Australia for over 2 decades.
She has a passion to share her experience and knowledge and loves working with people and also doing creative projects. She is dedicated to supporting the growth of Bhikkhunis around the world and is currently involved in projects to support the establishment of places for Bhikkhunis in Theravada forest tradition in Australia, New Zealand, Poland and Sri Lanka.
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