Pumping Airen

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Oct 30 2024 58 mins  

Abandon the fruit at checkout, because we are back for our sixth season of new/old Wie is de Mol episodes - and we're going back to 2016's offering in the Dominican Republic! Over these nine weeks, three guys who have all memorised one square of a sudoku - Logan, Michael & Bindles - are recapping and looking back at all that happened on a season with quite a reputation in the Mole fan communities, continuing with the fifth episode and elimination of Marjolein.

In this episode - we've had a little midseason break, Venice has a lot of scams, a restraining order is nearly used, Papa Bear has been to a theme park, Logan reveals his logic, Michael explains one of his podcast-themed goals, there are the first whispers of NetMol II: It's Your Own Damn Fault At This Point, an old segment returns, there is an update on our favourite hot dog eater, Bindles has been waiting six weeks to do a joke, someone gets forgotten, we look for sponsors, Logan earns himself a time out, bright ideas come from the unlikeliest of places, someone gets an invitation to a new show, Marjolein is reluctantly eulogised and the fifth set of suspicions is locked in.

Thank you for listening - we will see you next week for Episode 6!

Please note: This season is intended on being spoiler-free, so please watch the episodes along with us. As with our coverage of Seasons 11, 14 & 17, there are no spoilers due to Logan not having seen the season before. However, any season we have already covered (WIDM 10-11, 14, 17-24 and Renaissance; België 4-12) is fair game though.

This episode is supported by our friends over at Zencastr. Create your podcast today!

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