Jan 15 2025 72 mins
Join LAV and CHRIS debate Aliens, Giants, Philadelphia Project, Flat Worlders, Futuristic Energy and Pyramids.... Are they all related, all coincidence...
The Truth is out there.
Chris Holm is the host of Conspire A Theory Podcast. He can be found on IG as well as wherever you listen to you podcasts.
_ The Greys are purported Extraterrestrial Beings. They are frequent subjects of abduction and close encounter claims.
- Are the pyramids too awesome to have been the work of the mere mortals of ancient Egypt? The conspiracy theory that aliens built the pyramids, or were they built by ancient human civilizations we have never heard about? And why were they built?
- Is there technologically viable, pollution-free, no-cost energy sources out there?? Why aren't we able to access them? Perhaps they are being suppressed by governments and or corporations.
-United States, sometime around October 28, 1943. There supposedly was an experiment where the U.S. Navy attempted to make a destroyer escort, the USS Eldridge, disappear and the bizarre results that followed. In late 1955 a UFO book writer got their hands on hand-written annotations referring to the experiment to a U.S. Navy research organization.
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