Teamwork, EDI, cognitive load, stress testing the cath lab - perennial topics explored in interesting ways. Another great month on Simulcast.
The articles: -
Holgaard, R., Bruun, B., Zingenberg, F. et al. An interview study about how nurses and physicians talk about the same concepts differently. BMC Med Educ 24, 698 (2024).
Mutch, J., Golden, S., Purdy, E. et al. Equity, diversity and inclusion in simulation-based education: constructing a developmental framework for medical educators. Adv Simul 9, 20 (2024).
Wiltrakis, S., Hwu, R., Holmes, S. et al. Debriefer cognitive load during Traditional Reflective Debriefing vs. Rapid Cycle Deliberate Practice interdisciplinary team training. Adv Simul 9, 23 (2024)
Jafri FN, et al. Stress Testing the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory: A Novel Use of In Situ Simulation to Identify and Mitigate Latent Safety Threats During Acute Airway Management. Simul Healthc. 2024 Apr 1;19(2):75-81.
Happy listening!
And… Date Claimers
The Victorian Translational SIMposium
6th September, Melbourne . Details and registration here
Simulation Reconnect is on again
Bond University, Wednesday 27th November. Registration here