Feb 23 2025 49 mins 9
Indiana has been a national leader in historic preservation for decades. Hoosiers have a strong record for studying, cataloguing and saving homes, churches, farms, factories, covered bridges, monuments, courthouses, hotels, libraries and even entire commercial districts and neighborhoods deemed to have historic value. Since being founded in 1960, the nonprofit group Indiana Landmarks has promoted and supported historic preservation efforts, often positioned at or near the center of major projects or helping bring the right parties to the table and acting as an adviser. It has 43 full-time employees and nine field offices around Indiana and is considered the largest statewide historic preservation organization in America.
Marsh Davis has worked for Indiana Landmarks for 37 years—the last 19 of which as the group’s president. He is retiring on April 15 but is headed right back into historic preservation as the new owner of a large Victorian home in New Harmony that needs a considerable amount of work. Leading by example has been one of the themes of his tenure. His legacy includes the $24 million restoration of the former Central Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church in Indianapolis. Finished in 2011, it became Lankmarks' statewide headquarters as well as a multi-space events venue in the city’s Old Northside Historic District.
With a handful of weeks left in Davis' tenure, IBJ Podcast host Mason King sat down with the outgoing president to discuss the value of historic preservation and its influence on Indianapolis; the projects that stand out over four decades; the one that got away; and how he hopes his tenure as president will be remembered.