Jun 06 2022 9 mins
Are you thinking about getting into a new career but don't know where to start? This episode focuses on helping you identify careers that might be a good fit.
Here are some assessments you might find helpful:
O*NET Interest Inventory Assessment
123 Career Aptitude Test
Career Fitter
My Links
I talk a lot about the UX/UI Bootcamp I'm doing through Avocademy, so here's a link if you want to check it out and see if a career in User Experience Design is for you!
Tools I Use for This Show:
Podbean - I use Podbean to host my website because I think they do a great job of distributing it to podcast channels and are super easy to use. If you'd like to give it a whirl, here's a link for one month free! https://www.podbean.com/GoFindOutPodcast
Looking for more inspiration?
Check out my articles at https://www.evergrowthcoach.com
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Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GoFindOutPodcast/
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Email me: [email protected]