Nov 05 2023 51 mins 3
Tucked away in Bremen, IN in Marshall County Indiana overlooking the Yellow River is The Bremen Troll Bridge. There are many bridges with bizarre phenomena attached them. This bridge however has something truly unique about it. Legend has it that hiding under this waiting for trespassers is an actual troll! 7 to 8 feet tall this troll is said to harass and hurl rocks at people who park there care on top of the bridge at night.
Listen as Marcus tells the stories people have left in comments sections across the internet about their own experiences with the bridge. It expands this legend beyond the bridge itself to include the road and nearby cemetery. This area is home to ghosts, shadow people, orbs, large back dogs, and EVEN more. Marcus adds a interesting thought about the legend towards the very end when he noticed one person had a run in with an awful group of individuals.
The extended episode of our shows is EXCLUSIVE to our patrons. Our hosts dive deeper into thinking about some of the occult stuff surrounding the bridge. Ellie joins the cast to discuss some interesting finds nearby the bridge. A friend of Vic and Marcus's named "Nikki" drops by to talk about a few fun Illinois cryptids. Sign up to become a patron and get access to this great content by clicking HERE
Forrest DePoy 2014 Bridge Video: CLICK HERE
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