May 06 2024 109 mins
Hello Everyone! Welcome or welcome back to Anime Island! The show where Brad interviews individuals and content creators, and they discuss what three anime, book, film, album, and video game they would take with them if they were stranded on a deserted island!
Our guest for this episode of Anime Island is David from Tales From The Fandom! David has been running the Tales From The Fandom Podcast for over 8 years! His legacy of guests include the two of us, and a whole litany of other guest from table top players, cosplayers, streamers, and from fandoms far and wide!
Tales From The Fandom Socials:
Twitter/X: talesftfandom
Instagram: Tales From The Fandom
Threads: Tales From The Fandom
Tales From The Fandom podcast can be found on all podcast listening platforms, such as spotify, apple, etc.!