Oct 25 2024 62 mins
Frightfully Good, the paranormal investigator team from Australia, Anne and Renata, share some of their best experiences from around the globe in this episode. If you’re looking for a new podcast their podcast, True Hauntings, may just be it! Traveling the globe seeking paranormal experiences is at the heart of this duo, as they share their findings while respecting the spirits, energy, and history of the places they visit. If you missed their prior episode go back to episode 62 to listen. As always, Enjoy, and Stay Magical! -Whitney
Connect with Anne & Renata:
Website: www.ghostgrannies.com
Podcast: True Hauntings – search for show on any podcast platform
Spotify: open.spotify.com/show/1FIfOIC08D6v9Y5FP6ud1c
Apple iTunes: podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/true-hauntings/id1537052147
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@FrightfullyGoodAnneAndRenata
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AnneAndRenata
Instagram: instagram.com/anneandrenata
TikTok: tiktok.com/@anneandrenata
Australian Ghost Tours: www.newcastleghosttours.com.au
Ghost Hunting Equipment – Australia: www.ozparatech.com
Connect with The Witch Source:
YouTube: www.youtube.com/thewitchsource
Website: www.thewitchsource.com
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