Jan 23 2021 19 mins
The word privilege carries a weight. It means someone has an advantage. It can also mean that someone has an unearned advantage, which can cause defensiveness. The term white privilege means this: white people are shielded from some significant challenges that Black people and people of color have to deal with because of their skin color. And it can be difficult for white people, who have worked hard for their achievements or overcome adversity, to acknowledge that simply being born white has brought them advantages, or privileges.
This week we talk about some of the ways white privilege can be observed in the U.S., and how even the best of intentions can cause negative and harmful impact. But we can all choose to learn and to do better--we can acknowledge our privilege and our biases in a healthy way. We can make choices to continually learn and do better. Linked below are articles and video clips sharing a few of the many ways white privilege looks in action, and some thoughts on how it can be used to help make the world a just and equitable home for everyone.
Video: The Daily Show with Trevor Noah: Trevor Breaks Down Reparations & White Privilege - Between the Scenes
Video: The Late Late Show with James Corden: James Corden Gets a Lesson on White Privilege
Article: Don’t talk about the Capitol siege without mentioning white privilege
Article: When Culture Really Began to Reckon With White Privilege
Music Provided by:
Intro - https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Jahzzar/Tumbling_Dishes_Like_Old-Mans_Wishes/Green_Lights
Outro - https://audionautix.com/