Jul 29 2024 48 mins
Something fowl is happening in Middlemoore, and the Murder Mavens track down the HOA president to get more info.
Want to know more about the changes coming to the Lovelies this season? We have a free post on our Patreon that goes over everything you can expect! Well, game-wise, anyway. There are still mysteries afoot...
"Friends Like These" by Adam from Multiclass Theater at 0:00.
"Front Porch Sitter" by Jason Shaw at 10:37. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.
"Behind the door," "The crypt," and "The myst" by Nicolas Jeudy at 18:40, 36:15, and 40:53 (respectively). Dark Fantasy Studio, 2015.
"Murder of Crow" by Ben Hansen at 46:16. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.