Jan 06 2023 50 mins 7
In this episode, the two of us share several different interesting topics we've read about recently, including the timing of the meteor that killed the dinosaurs, the first fossil cockroach found with its sperm, the use of ultrasound as contraception for mammals, extremely dangerous theoretical rockets, and unethical animal experimentation in the American mid-twentieth-century. Warning for animal abuse (or at least dubiously ethical animal experimentation).
A transcript and show notes for this episode are available on our website here: https://asabpodcast.com/2023/01/06/episode-59/
The show is on Twitter (for now) @ASABpod,Tessa @spacermase.
Our intro music is by Nicole Petkovich.
If you're trans and/or non-binary in science and would like to appear as a guest, please fill out our interest form: https://forms.gle/deQLoL4iYG6v1Qfq9