🌱How to Prepare the Garden in January for Spring Planting

Jan 27 2025 10 mins  

Hey gardeners, Ken Lain The Top 10 Gardener here! It's January in Northern Arizona, and while the snow might be falling, a true gardener knows it's time to start thinking spring!

The first step? Soil preparation. Clear out any remaining debris from last year's garden and mix in a 2-3 inch layer of composted mulch and manure. At Watters, we compost our manure extra-long so you can skip the stink and get straight to the good stuff.

To really give your garden a boost, mix in Watters Fruit & Vegetable Food, gypsum, and sulfur. The Fruit & Vegetable Food is packed with calcium for bigger, tastier yields (think tomatoes and cucumbers!) and helps prevent blossom end rot. Gypsum provides extra support for your veggies, and the sulfur helps balance the pH of our naturally alkaline soil.

Let that amended soil rest for a few weeks, allowing the snow and rain to work their magic. By March, you'll have the perfect foundation for planting potatoes, garlic, onions, and all those early spring vegetables! Don't forget to stop by Watters Garden Center – our early spring pansies are here, and the fruit trees arrive this week!

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🌱Ken Lain, The Top 10 Gardener

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