Feb 22 2023 34 mins 1
I’m joined today by Richard from Genki English! Richard and I talk about the great Genki English songs, how he began to create the songs, lesson planning, and discipline in the classroom. I really enjoyed talking with Richard.
You can learn more about Genki English on his website: https://genkienglish.net/teaching/
Say hello to Richard on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GenkiEnglish
Visit https://www.dreamenglish.com/ for songs for free kids songs
Please check out my new "10 Steps to Teach English to Young Learners" book on Amazon.
Here is a direct link for the book: https://amzn.to/3ncHuVn
Thanks for listening and happy teaching! -Matt
Follow Dream English on Instagram: @dreamenglishkids
Facebook: facebook.com/dreamenglish