Mar 09 2025 66 mins 2
Ustadh Shabbir was joined by Ustadh Mohamad Baajour who shared 3 practical tips in how to raise righteous children.
00:00 - Introduction
01:26 - What is your favourite Du'a from the Qur'an?
04:46 - What is your favourite Du'a from the Sunnah?
07:00 - The power of Istighfar
11:49 - Do this Sunnah to have an angel make Du'a for you
13:46 - Tarbiyyah Role as an imam at the EPIC mosque
24:45 - Encouraging the youth to attend Fajr
24:58 - New challenges and dangers faced by today's youth
27:04 - Facilitating halal activities for the youth
28:11 - Parents need to live Islam
30:37 - Be gentle and encouraging towards your children
31:52 - Teach your children about Allah's attributes
33:22 - The power of making du'a for your children
37:02 - Leading by example
38:44 - What is Tarbiyyah & the Prophetic example
35:51 - Building Trust and Leading by Example
48:29 - Intentions for making your children Hafidh
56:03 - Balancing Travel and Community Involvement
59:11 - From a businessman to an Imam
A thank you to Al Khaleel Institute for facilitating this podcast. You can learn more about them at: