Feb 14 2025 45 mins
Dr. Chelsea Adams sits down with Sarah Rucker to discuss the life and legacy of Clifford Antone--the legendary owner of Antone's in Austin, TX--in his later years. Rucker was Antone's personal assistant from 2004 until his death. They also discuss how Rucker is continuing his legacy of advocacy for musicians and folk music in Texas and throughout the USA.
Guest: Sarah Rucker
Sarah Rucker is an event producer and independent folklorist with specialties in traditional and popular American musical and dance genres. She holds a B.A. in Fine Arts with a focus in dance and a Certificate in Business Foundations from the University of Texas at Austin. Her expertise in American blues and early rock began as research and teaching assistant to Clifford Antone (founder of Antone’s Night Club, Records, and Record Shop) in 2004. Antone lectured on these topics at the University of Texas and Texas State University until his death in 2006. She then helped direct programming for Texas' folk arts agency, Texas Folklife, for 8 years where she directed Barbara Lynn & Friends at the Library of Congress and Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. and the annual Accordion Kings & Queens concert and the Big Squeeze accordion contest. She founded Full Gallop in 2015 to help bridge cultures and connect communities through creative events and public programs.
Upcoming events include the 2nd Annual Louisiana in Texas on April 4 in Houston. More info at: http://fullgalloparts.com/events or http://facebook.com/fullgalloparts and instagram.com/fullgalloparts
Produced by Dr. Chelsea Adams
Post-Production by Jeremy Carberry
12-Bar Talk is supported by Salt City Blues, LLC, a blues dance event and education organization committed to bringing education about black dances and blues to the Greater Salt Lake City area.
Podcast intro music is Chicago Shuffle Blues, courtesy of JuliusH. Song can be found at https://pixabay.com/users/juliush-3921568/.