May 29 2024 52 mins 1
Trophies. Promotions. Raises. Power. Authority. Honor. Credit... These are all things that the world around us values, pursues, and covets. This year we have yet another election cycle where individuals will be jockeying for votes, offices, and power. We can’t turn on the TV, listen to a podcast, get on a website, or even walk out our front door without being bombarded with the temptation to seek after the same type things. And yet… rather than grasp worldly power, fame, or authority Jesus actually shunned them. Instead he used words like humility, sacrifice, service, and submission. So how do we as Christians in the 21st century, follow the way of Jesus that teaches that an upside down ethic that teaches other first and us second? And how in the world do we get our churches to turn off the political pundits and spend more time living out the Greatest Commands and the Great Commission?
Jeff Hubbard
Jeff Hubbard