Jan 28 2025 65 mins 73
The King of Zone 2 (who cares) joins us for the first time ever on The Triathlon Hour! We start the episode by getting to know Morgan a little bit, how he got offered a T100 contract, who by, when it happened, what his plans for 2025 with running, short course and T100 are, his plans for Ironman and his plans for the LA Olympics. We then go into his training and talk about how he trains, his coach Ryan Bolton and what will be needed in his training to have success over middle distance. Things then take a bit of a turn and we talk about the famous Zone 2 meme, the "who cares" meme and Morgan talks about his 2020 rivalry with Sam Long and his potential 2025 rivalry with Jelle Geens. As with everything Morgan does, this was a fun one!!!
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