Jul 07 2023 43 mins
- Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and why none of us are getting anything done
- Things that need to fuck off
- Time zones
- UTC to save a life
- Counterpoint UTC can fuck off
- People who can’t convert to save a life
- People that don’t use ISO 8601
- Why do schools schedule everything at once, be proactive!
- The 6 Ps still apply here
- Soda pop vs soda vs pop vs Coke (TX = Coke, nothing else)
- People who don’t use Oxford Commas
- “Y’all”
- Figuring our fiscal years between companies
- The British and their extra U and S
- IT for technical companies
- *GB in a laptop, fucking really???
- It’s been 20 years Outlook, why do you suck
- Counterpoint… Google Workspaces for work
- People who schedule meetings even though they see I am already busy
- At least your people try to look at your calendar!!!
- When people schedule meetings by email but don’t include calendar invites
- Workday.com
- Why don’t portable pressure washers exist, or why aren’t they allowed for international travel?
- Poll: Most moist exotic location where you missed your pressure washer?
- Flammable or inflammable or enflame .. why both?
- TiB vs TB
- My bits aren’t metric
- Measuring things in animals
- Time zones
Footer for show notes:
If you enjoy the show or have any comments, please feel free to reach out to any / all of us on Twitter:
- @vPirateRadio
- @bknudston
- @jhoughes
- @k00laidIT
- @MattThatITGuy