Episode 99: The Falcon and the Snyder Cut

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Mar 30 2021 100 mins  
A super-sized show! KB pops in to discuss the upcoming movies The Suicide Squad and Mortal Kombat, discuss Marvel's Avengers, and briefly review the first 2 episodes of The Falcon and Winter Soldier.

Then, Kyle from Sweet Babylon joins to talk about what his band has been up to during the pandemic and give his spoiler-filled review of The Justice League Snyder Cut.

Cerebro Suggestions:

Retell 'Em Steve-Dave

Free Your Geek is a proud member of 40/41 Media.
Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Stitcher.

#SuicideSquad #MortalKombat #Disneyplus #FalconandWinterSoldier #JusticeLeague #SnyderCut

Kyle's Social Media
TikTok: @mrkyleplatt
Twitter: @mrkyleplatt
Instagram: @mrkyleplatt24

Sweet Babylon Links
Twitter: @sweet_babylon
Instagram: @sweet_babylon_music
Physical Merchandise: sweetbabylon.bigcartel.com
Downloadable Music: sweetbabylon.bandcamp.com
Music available on all social platforms.

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