Part 10 of the David Pawson 'Unlocking the Bible' Podcast series
David Pawson concedes that Leviticus is difficult to read as it lacks narrative and features a different and unfamiliar culture; but there is more of the word of God than in any other book. The first half of the book is about the way to God and the second half about the walk with God. Leviticus focusses in on the most important month in the most important place and the most important tribe. The whole of the law of Moses hangs on this. The book of Leviticus is about everything that goes on in God’s tent and everything that should go on in the people’s tents. It is the rules and regulations for both. God expects something in return for what He has done for us. Exodus talks about how God saved His people. Leviticus talks about how they are to serve Him. There is only one God and the Israelites were His only people on Earth and therefore there was a special relationship between them. God was going to be everything they needed and in return, He expected them to live right. He said, “Be holy for I am holy” - You are to reflect my character and let people see what I am like by what you are like. If God saves you, He expects you to be like Him. There are two types of offering, one to show gratitude to God, and the other to make atonement for sin. The Jews had a calendar of feasts to remind them of things they would forget.