Feb 28 2025 64 mins 6
Make sure to check the rest of the description for all of our social media links, including our Patreon (patreon.com/DoNotRelent)!
Slidewhistle, Immunization, and Aaron have packed their bags, bought their drill-train tickets, and they're movin' to Undermine, bay bay! The streets couldn't be filthier, the air greener and sicker; it's perfect! Pop this bad boy on your D.R.I.V.E.'s MPGreen player and chill out as we talk about first week impressions, silly glitches (intentional and otherwise,) and return to the First Annual Best Bakers Power Rankings! Keep it mean n' green, alleycats~
Please send all your love mail, hate mail, and a new motor for my hotrod to @DoNotRelentPod (Twitter) or on gmail at [email protected]! We will respond to literally anything and read it on the pod.
Find us at:
Patreon: patreon.com/DoNotRelent
Linktree: donotrelent.com
YouTube: @donotrelent on YouTube (the link is long and ugly)
Instagram: www.instagram.com/donotrelent
Twitter: twitter.com/DoNotRelentPod
Livejournal: donotrelentpod.livejournal.com
E-Mail: [email protected]
Finally, if you feel so inclined, please rate us on iTunes and bonusroll.gg. We will take a shot on air in your honor! Every rating helps! :D