Feb 16 2025 29 mins 5
This week, the Sun enters Pisces for a season of reflection and release; the Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius means we’re ready to let the good times roll; Mercury reignites energy as it trines Mars and introduces a lot of new details as it squares Jupiter; Mars finally turns direct. And April answers a listener question about Jupiter transits; why don't they seem luckier? Plus: Barking dogs, Mardi Gras, and Mercury’s footnotes!
Read a full transcript of this episode.
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[1:19] The Sun enters Jupiter-ruled Pisces on Feb. 18 (2:07 am PST, through March 20). It's time to let go of what isn't going to be helpful or necessary on the road ahead.
[5:10] Moon Report! The Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius (Feb. 20, 9:32 am PST) at 02°19’ Sagittarius is a final action point for the Aquarius New Moon on Jan. 29. Sagittarius has a big, joyous, “let the good times roll” Mardi Gras spirit. The Moon's Sabian symbol at this Last Quarter is 3 Sagittarius, Two men playing chess, the Sun is on Pisces, A petrified forest.
[7:50] Lunar Phase Family Cycle (LPFC). This is the Last Quarter in an LPFC that began with the New Moon on Nov. 23, 2022, at 01°37’ Sagittarius. The First Quarter in this LPFC was Aug. 24, 2023, the Full Moon on May 23, 2024.
[9:23] Void-of-Course Moon (VOC) periods. On Feb. 17 (3:24 pm PST), the Moon in Libra trines the Sun in Aquarius. It's VOC for 55 minutes and then enters Scorpio (4:19 pm PST). Use this VOC Moon period to practice the art of small talk and brighten someone’s day.
[10:57] On Feb. 20 (2:05 am PST), the Moon in Scorpio trines Neptune. It's VOC for 2 hours 50 minutes and then enters Sagittarius (4:55 am PST). When the Moon aspects Neptune, intuition and access to our unconscious mind are very strong.
[12:14] On Feb. 22 (12:38 pm PST), the Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune. It's VOC for 2 hours, 31 minutes and enters Capricorn (3:09 pm PST). Monitor your mood and respond to emotions calmly, instead of overreacting.
[13:27] Mercury squares Jupiter at 11°43’ Pisces-Gemini on Feb. 20 (12:13 pm PST). Square aspects to Jupiter mean it's easy to get carried away and overdo it. Jupiter is on the Sabian symbol, 12 Gemini, A slave girl demands her rights of her mistress, Mercury is on 12 Pisces, An examination of initiates. These two planets are in mutual reception (each in a sign ruled by the other), so there is the potential to reconcile any conflicts between facts and opinion.
[16:0] Mercury trines Mars (Feb. 23, 8:58 am PST) at 17°00’ Pisces-Cancer. Your experience of this aspect will depend on how you're currently handling feelings of resentment, anger, or frustration.
[17:36] Mars stations direct (Feb. 23, 6 pm PST) at 17°00’ Cancer, on the Sabian symbol 17 Cancer, The germ grows into knowledge and life. Mars has been retrograde since Dec. 6, 2024. Mars is the warrior planet, so anger and cutting ties must be managed carefully. Protecting your family, your home, and safety can feel urgent.
[20:22] Listener Quentin asks about Jupiter transits; why don't they seem luckier?
[24:52] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april (at) bigskyastrology (dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line. Free ways to support the podcast: Subscribe, like, review and share with a friend!
[25:27] A tribute to this week’s donors! If you would like to support the show and receive access to April’s special donors-only videos, go to BigSkyAstropod.com and contribute $10 or more. You can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor.