Feb 02 2025 58 mins 2
#33 – Chris Costa: He always has enough time for people.
- Chris is enjoying his favorite beer, Sam Adams Octoberfest
- Chris placed engineers and now sells SolidWorks
- Crashed three planes when in high school
- Some recruiters suggest jobs that are a terrible fit.
- It seems like an easy job, but it isn’t. It requires lots of contacts.
- Learn from his father: “You always have enough time for people”
- How many things could you do with this brick?
- Drafter and mechanical designer jobs have all but disappeared.
- Mechanical engineers wear a lot of hats.
- Engineers get too much blame and not enough credit.
- Without engineers, he wouldn’t have a job.
- Engineers typically struggle to market themselves.
- Two things not to say:
- “After he left, I had to fix his mess”
- “But we’ve always done it this way”
- Many years coaching baseball and now an umpire.
- Youth baseball has changed in 50 years.
- He has good friends with mutual trust.
- Per Chris, demand for injection molded plastic parts is not going away.
- Used to love “The Gong Show”
- The original “Star Trek” only lasted three seasons.
- He has advised people to try a different profession.
Chris’s Company, SolidXperts - https://www.solidxperts.com/en/
Bert’s Company – www.dexterityeng.com