Sep 17 2024 29 mins 6
During the onset of the “thing that happened in 2020” I wanted to give my audience the most accurate information possible as it related to the insanity going on.
When the REPO madness started during September 2019, John Sniesen and myself knew something big was coming in order to “save” the system.
That Something big was the SCAM of 2020 and since Dr Judy had worked with Dr Fraudci and tried exposing him a decade earlier, I knew she was just the person to talk to.
For context… This interview was shot a week PRIOR to her (PlandXXXX) the series being released!
The problem is this interview was NEVER allowed to air… even though it could’ve saved lives and even though my former cohost later tried portray himself as a freedom fighter that was never afraid.
A lot of people want to congratulate Luke on how prescient he was at the onset of 2020 but that is all stolen valor. Luke Rudkowski was no more courageous at the onset of 2020 than Tim Waltz was in Afghanistan and since Luke couldn’t man up to this and own up to this in person at Porcfest, I’ve decided to release this raw footage for the first time ever,
You decide… is Luke really the one you want to turn to when it matters most?