Fish with Legs (a fish with legs) has been captured by a mysterious gang led by a two-headed snake. What are they planning? Why do they want to collect all of the Elemental Creatures? Maybe this surly teenage girl can help?
Snake 1 - Takeshi Fukushima;
Snake 2 - Dexter Lavery-Callender;
Fish with Legs - Zoë Bujold;
October - Erin Dunlop;
Narrator - Elisabeth Nyveen.
Created by Dexter Lavery-Callender, Elisabeth Nyveen, and Zoë Bujold. Written and edited by Dexter Lavery-Callender and Elisabeth Nyveen. Music by Alexander Cruz.
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If the post-credits show sounded interesting, check out fellow former Upford show No Bad Food (they rebranded!) on Spotify, Apple, or Soundcloud.
Thanks for listening! Stay [fun custom adjective].