Episode 116: The Element of Earth in Tarot

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May 26 2021 57 mins   13 1 0

We conclude our series on the 4 elements and their relationship to the tarot with Earth, the source, home, and ultimate destination of all of us.

We explore the qualities of Earth, both physical and metaphysical; its zodiacal and planetary expression in the tarot, its connection to the world of Assiah and the sephira Malkuth on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life; its magical and natural correspondences; its relationship to the suit of Pentacles or Disks and to the rank of Pages (RWS) or Princesses (Thoth).

Cards considered in this episode:

- The World/Universe (elemental major of earth) - The Devil, the Hierophant, and the Hermit (zodiacal majors of Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo). - The suit of Pentacles or Disks - The Pages/Princesses

Music: "Earth," by ENOT

To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at www.patreon.com/fortuneswheelhouse. You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.