Dec 02 2024 57 mins
This holiday-inspired episode features the iconic ski train(s) – the past, present and future. Thanks to a love of trains at an early age, this episode was unknowingly decades in the making. While a chunk of the episode focuses on the past, and how the ski train both a} promoted skiing regionally (and ultimately nationally and b} was the foundation of a new winter recreation industry, there is plenty of present day applicability. Trust me, friends! We harness the theme from the story, A Christmas Carol, and run through the ski train story through the three ghosts (of ski trains past, present and future). A quick hitting trivia round - and wonderfully cold 10-day forecast - sends us into the holiday season, with spirits high, for snow, turns and ski train success stories. All aboard Powder Hounds!
Segment Time:
4:50: Ski Area News & Terrain Openings
14:14: Discounted Lift Tickets
18:31: Episode Introduction
20:56: Early Ski Trains
23:21: Ski Trains of the Past
37:55: Ski Trains of the Present
49:39: Ski Trains of the Future
52:55: Trivia Questions