What does it mean to need each other? Not just in our heads and our theories, but in ways we can feel and perceive, even awkwardly and resentfully?
The Disability Justice movement teaches us the wisdom of interdependence, or, in other words, the truth that we need each other. Disabled folks live out interdependence every day. Interdependence doesn’t have to be scary or complicated: it’s as simple as driving each other home, or cooking each other comfort food. It’s as straightforward as soaking in each others’ bathtubs to ease our chronic pain, or playing with each other’s children so their parents can go to therapy.
This Sunday, we’ll explore interdependence in one all-ages worship service at 10 a.m. Join us to sing, share, and wonder, bringing what we need and sharing what we have. Because the truth is we do need each other – even and especially when we don’t want to. Come, help us tell that truth together.