This Week's Panel - ElroyOMJ, Exe the Hero
Show Discussion - Beef jerky is too expensive these days, so Exe and Elroy are here to talk to you about turkey jerky while also expertly dodging, ducking, dipping, diving and dodging some dangerous waves! And missiles - they're expertly avoiding them, too. Aces high, baby!
Personal note from Exe & Elroy: Please be kind to us for not knowing anything about the Power Rangers. We tried!
Games Mentioned:
- Exe - Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown & an Artifex Mundi rundown
- Elroy - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind & Tiny Little Farm
Game Passible - Fream and Koosh return with your February and March Game Pass leavings predictions. Check out Game Passible to get the most gamerscore from your Game Pass subscription. (1:25:57)
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Intro music provided by Exe the Hero. Check out his band Window of Opportunity on Facebook and YouTube