Feb 20 2025 116 mins 67
Is it stealing from your Kollel or employer if you regularly come late?
How hard do you need to work on the job?
Can you take personal phone calls, check the news, order your groceries, etc. while on the clock?
Does this impact Shalom Bayis, divorce rates, shmiras ha’mitzvos and hasmada in Torah learning?
How do we motivate those who don’t have motivation?
Host: Ari Wasserman, author of the newly published, revised and expanded book Making it Work, on workplace challenges
You can pre-order "Halachic Q & A on the Job” at https://mosaicapress.com/product/halachic-q-a-on-the-job/
with Rabbi Peretz Segal – Rosh Kollel Eitz Pri, international speaker and executive coach – 17:44
with Rabbi Akiva Dershowitz – Rosh Kollel, Toras Efrayim Shlomo, Yerushalayim – 41:30
with Dr. Ahuva Heyman – School Director Bnos Yisroel of Baltimore – 1:03:21
with Rabbi Dovid Kaplan – Mashgiach Ruchani, Yeshivas Beis Yisrael – 1:21:18
Conclusions and Takeaways – 1:44:13