Mar 16 2023 16 mins 12
Kolo ascends, and the cats, with what they have found, return to Iberius, the stolen city of the lynxes.
· Stardancer performed by Theo Leigh
· Kolo Nash performed by Alex Shaw
· Sir Dashington performed by James Batchelor
Make your decision by Dan Phillipson of Shockwave Sound
Panther Soul Theme; Zaad, composed and performed by Jason Bradley Livesay of Shockwave Sound
Arabian Nightfall and Istanbul by Ald
Spirit of the Girl, Naraina, Whimsy Groove and Lost Frontier composed and performed by Kevin MacLeod of
Invisible Mountain, Mega City Slums, The Orrery, Oasis City ambiance from Tabletop Audio
The New Century Multiverse is funded by Patreon. Our $15 sponsors get credit every episode so thank you to: Aaron Lacluyze, Abel Savard, Alejandra Vargas, Alex Brewington, Angus Lee, Benjamin Hofer, Bryan Novak, Cassandra Newman, Chris Finik, Christopher Wolfe, Ciaran Dachtler, Conar Kennedy, Dan Mayer, Daniel Salgueiro, Dan Hoeppner, Dave Hickman, David Shealy, Finbar Nicholl, Frankie Punzi, Greg Downing, Jamas Enright, Jesse Ferguson, Joe Crow, Joel Robinson, Johan Claesson, Joe Gluck, Josh Wasta, Kat Essmann, Kevin Veighy, Lorraine Chisholm, Marty Pohlmeier, Matthew A. Seibert, Michael Hasko, Robbie Crow, Sarah Montgomery, Teemu Helasharju, Tim Rozenski, Timothy Green, Toby Skeels-Jungius, Tom Painter, Tre Contreras and Valencia Burns.