The Spiritual Descent of Inanna | Episode 7

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Aug 28 2020 13 mins  
The Spiritual Descent of Inanna

Welcome to the Ancient Tree of Life.

In this podcast, we will be discussing information from a meditation that I performed on March 26, 2019.

This would have been during the time of my annual personal Ancient Sumerian and Babylonian AkiTi or Akitu.

The AkiTi or AkiTu is a very old celebration at the beginning of the Spring Equinox.

The celebration is based on the old Sumerian and Babylonian reverence of the Ancient Anunnaki.

More specifically, it is a celebration and acknowledgment (and reunion) with the God Marduk and his rise to power in the Pantheon.

As Marduk rose, so do we rise.

From out of the darkness and depths of the long and cold winter months, back into the birth of the sun and the revival of life on the planet.

In this particular podcast, we will revisit some of the thoughts and correlations that I had.

Much of those correlations are between that of Ancient Sumer and it's sister counter, Ancient Kemet.

Note: At this time, I was still somewhat new to the Ancient Sumerian system.

I made references that Ancient Kemetic knowledge and information was adopted from the Ancient Sumerians.

This is not entirely accurate.

There is much-suggested information from various authors stating the Anunnaki were here before human civilization. Which I no longer believe to be true!

The purpose of this podcast is not logical and linear history.

But more so, the correlations between Ancient Sumer and Ancient Kemet and how these two great ancient civilizations had much in common and were tied together by the rise of Marduk.

It is known that Marduk became Amun Ra, which I believe, represents an attempted invasion by ancient Babylonians in Kemetic Egypt.

It is also my belief that this is why we have more lore about Ra than about the Goddess Aset in history.

History is written by the victors and tends to be more modern in nature.

Our goal is to uncover, reveal, and experience the origins of spirituality.

That which is tied to the Goddess or Matriarchal Times.