Jul 04 2023 265 mins
Today we have an excellent chat with Fang again from Gage Green Group and Genetic Designer. He's dropping a new line in just a few days called Manifestation and he tells us about that, what makes luxury cannabis and cannabis accessories and of course some of the legal vicissitudes that seem inevitable these days.
Enjoy the chat folks and hopefully like Bud E you leave the discussion with a positive rather than as we often find a negative vibe. Upful vibes all around!
Scoop MANIFESTATION over at www.fumidoro.com for a very limited time as this will sell out quick. Preorders now and if you order at Fumidoro you'll get a special gift from me.
And if you've been needing some new summer swag, Fumidoro's got you covered over at the Merch store. Scoop some Morgana Cherries or pick up a High Noon Safety Meeting t-shirt.
Puff something wonderful my friends and I just about forgot the coupon code BRAINZ for 14% off. Cheers!