From Georgia, to Germany, to the City of Sin: Zwei Sevin-Lagat tells all

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Oct 07 2023 101 mins  

Meet Zwei, long time fan and new friend of BB. We learn about the many layers of life, growing up in the South as the only Filipino son that attended a Catholic military school while learning of his queerness. Grappling with creativity while also surviving Las Vegas with his partner working in hospitality. Join our cohosts learn and celebrate his story.



  1. Bottoms Movie

  2. Bomb Rush Cyberpunk

  3. Queen Las Vegas


  1. Kylie Minogue's Tension Album

  2. Shifa Ligeiro Apartment Life DJ

  3. Teaching with Tenderness by Becky Thompson


  1. Sauteed Mushrooms and Onions on RICE

  2. Creepy Mystery Youtube Channel: @BarelySociable

  3. Graphic Novel: “Stamped from the Beginning” by Ibram X. Kendi


  1. Bulk food section of Winco to make your own halloween snacks

  2. Skimos Coffee shop in Henderson

  3. Dapper Donuts in Henderson