61 \\ Is there a #1 Way to MAKE MONEY, RIGHT NOW?! How can you start to see a difference in your bank account??

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Feb 25 2024 24 mins  

Hey my friend,

Are you trying to make money but never see a difference in your bank account? I know this can be frustrating! I've been there too. There are different ways to make money. Not all are right for a Christian. While there are many ways to make money that are perfectly God-honoring, not all of them might be suitable for you. It has to match your time constraints, skills and your limitations regarding the money you are able to invest. You might be at a point in life where certain avenues are simply not feasible for you. So, should you give up the quest altogether? Should you throw in the towel and give up on the specific needs you are trying to meet with the extra money? In this episode I share with you the number one way to make Money. Not in 10 years, but starting from now!

I pray this blesses you.



Archana Jacob

Christian Business Coach, Business Woman, Entrepreneur & Investor



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