Oct 26 2024 28 mins 16
One recurring theme in the ten year's we've been in your ears has been the recurring difficulties accessing testosterone. These difficulties are familiar to most trans folks on any form of HRT, and now George has been struggling to also access mental health treatment meds after an insurance snafu.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at [email protected], and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!